May 19, 2012

A Friend Once Told Me #6

Been done a lot of thinking lately, to search for a answer on how to deal with things, i just simply cant find that answer.
I've always wanted to make everyone happy, and put myself to the side, just to please others, but I've learned that people aren't going to treat you nice, just because you treat them nice. Some people are just some assholes, and they are never going to change. So fact is, i just have to find some others sweet people i can care about, cause others don't deserve it, I'm not going to waste time on mean people anymore. I rather have a few true friends, than being fake, and just trying to make everybody going to like me - cause that is not going to happen, you're just going to get more haters, because you're turning into a fake bitch.
I say what i feel, and say what i think, and people there tell me to think before i talk, screw you. I think before i talk, it's just you there don't like to hear the truth, and that's not my problem.
I'm not going to talk nice just people someone tell me to, I'm not going to wear other clothes just because some think it's ugly, I'm not going to change my personality just because some don't like me.
- Deal with it or leave.


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