Jan 30, 2012

Famous Blog Spot: Naectegale

Pip pip
I Love Bird Watching
I have always watched birds. When I was very small, I used to watch the starlings on the lawn, poking about for grubs. I was fascinated by their shiny plumage when the sun shone on it.
I keep several bird feeders in my garden. The smaller birds, such as goldfinches and blue tits, enjoy the sunflower hearts and niger seeds. The starlings and jackdaws enjoy squabbling over the fat feeders.
I live in a suburban area, and when the weather is cold, I get some more unusual birds, such as redwing and fieldfare, which are winter visitors from Scandinavia. I have also had blackcaps and chiffchaff passing though.
I like to go bird watching locally, and I am in a very good area for this. I can walk to the River Thames at Kingston and to Richmond Park. I can drive to the Wetland Centre in Barnes, which is a managed wetland, built from an old reservoir, which provides habitat for all types of water birds, including bitterns. I also drive to Bookham Common, which is famous for its nightingales and heronry in spring.
I like going to places regularly, because it is exciting to see new birds in familiar places. I like being out in the fresh air and occasional sunshine, listening to birdsong and being aware of the changing seasons. And I never know what each day’s bird watching will bring.

Goldfinches on a birdfeeder

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